
Ralf Roth



Dr. sc. med. Ralf Roth is an academic co-worker and lecturer in the field of motor performance and biomechanics. His many years of expertise and passion lie in the field of strength and strength training, whether with children, seniors, competitive athletes or patients. As the main person responsible, he is delighted to be able to take a further step in prevention with this important project.



Romina Ledergerber

Romina Romina Ledergerber works as a co-worker in the field of motor performance and biomechanics. With a great passion for exercise physiology and expertise in complex measurement methods, she is implementing this project as part of her doctoral dissertation.


Contact for all enquiries:

Project partners

Stefan Gaugler


Prof. Dr. Stefan Gaugler heads the Instrumental Analysis Department at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW). Thanks to pioneering work and many years of specialization, his laboratory is one of the world leaders in the field of micro sampling, i.e. diagnostics from very small volumes. For this study, he extracts and analyzes hormones from individual drops of blood (dried blood spots) using LC-MS/MS (liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry coupling).

Ramon Gysin

Ramon Gysin is the owner of CrossFit Basel GmbH and is responsible for running the training sessions. With his many years of expertise as a CrossFit coach, including with children from the age of 4, he is the ideal partner.

Other co-workers


  • Eliana Pileggi
  • Annina Bard

You can find us here

Department of Sport, Exercise and Health
Department of Motor Performance and Biomechanics
University of Basel
Grosse Allee 6
4052 Basel, Switzerland



Department of Sport, Exercise and Health - An image film